Our Lord is Merciful
Oh Lord how merciful you are, as Lam.3:22 says “it is of your mercies that we are not consumed.” Thank you Lord for giving us your word. You know the beginning from the end. I believe God in his love and mercy is sending all those who have not made Jesus the Lord of their life a wake up call. This is bigger than 9-11 the corona-virus, because this can effect the whole world. I can’t speak for others but, I just want to, thank you Lord for the blood applied 49 years ago, and being up to date.
Jesus said these things were going to happen, but this is only the beginning of sorrow. Sadly thousands see there only hope, is but to look to the government, instead to God. Its true we none know what a day will bring, or what tomorrow will hold, oh but I know who holds tomorrow. Oh how my prayer is that people will prepare for the Lord’s coming any day now, as much as they are preparing for this virus. They say wash your hands often and we should, Oh but more important, Psa.24 is to have clean hands (which is the things you do) before God, and a pure heart. Jesus is coming, things down here are not going to get better, they’re going to get worse. But the good news is Jesus is coming, and then 7 years of tribulation is coming, which will be a thousand times worst than corona-virus.
The lost still have a choice to repent of every sin and get right with God. the lukewarm have a chance to pray through,and repent of their compromise, and be committed.
As for me, I’m going to serve the Lord. Now that’s good news. Maranatha!!!!!