It’s Closer Than You Think
It’s closer than you think!!!! Are you aware that Transhumanism is at the door? Just recently “Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a recent discussion with OpenAI President Greg Brockman expressed his belief that 2029 will see the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)–AI (AI, Artificial Intelligence) that reaches and then far surpasses human-level intelligence. He further stated that 2030, humanity and artificial intelligence will merge. A future extinction of mankind, and a future “heaven” in which AGI eliminates poverty, hunger, and sickness and mankind merges with machines. It is this “heaven” their company is working to bring about.” I will admit a new heaven is coming, but it’s not going to be built by man. No, the resurrected Lord Jesus, who defeated death on that third day when he arose, victorious over death, hell and the grace, the angels declared (40 days after he showed himself by many infallible proofs) Jesus whom you see going up into heaven shall so come in like manner.
I make no apology when it comes to the blessed hope of Jesus’ coming in the clouds for his looking, longing, praying, and ready bride, to step out on a billowing cloud, for his saints, not sinners saved by grace. Yes, we were sinners, for all have sinned and come short of his glory. Oh, but we have now (1 Cor.6:11) been washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. To anybody who has and ear to hear, it’s almost over, and the door to the church age is about to be shut (Matt.25:10) and all those foolish virgins, who didn’t think they have to maintain their salvation will be in for a rude awakening. Think what you will, Jesus made it unmistakable clear that he is coming back (Eph.5:27) for a bride to present “to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing…and without blemish.” The stage is set now, for a one world government, a one world economical and a one world religion, to take the mark, selling their soul to a devil’s hell. Yes, Satan has blinded these eyes and they have drunk the Kool-Aid, and really believe they can build a city and tower unto heaven as Gen.11:4 and make them a name.
But their name, only last for a short 31/2 years, but the name that is above all names Jesus, will last forever. What exciting times to be living in, with a red heifer they’re planning on killing in the spring at Passover, and then they can purify the priesthood, who can then bring out the ark of the covenant and start construction on the third temple. Wow, if that ain’t enough to go out and compel the lost, the lukewarm to make your calling and election such, I don’t know what will, except after the rapture, and then it will be too late, for the door will be shut. My prayer is, if you are left behind and find yourself in the tribulation period, you will give your life for Jesus, by having your head cut off, instead, of accepting as one said “the Antichrist DNA (the mark of the beast) rejecting your God given DNA. for his. Don’t neglect Heb.2:3 so great a salvation, thinking you can disobey God’s word and make it into heaven. W.V. Grant said “We are saved by faith in Christ. We stay saved by obedience.” Scripture says He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is a sin. You can do as you please now, but the day will come, the one who wants to be your Savior, will become your judge. Maranatha!!!!!