
This was over the top!!!

“Biden declared Easter transgender day. Trump demands Biden to issue apology over blasphemous statement.” I believe this man, has now been turned over, to a reprobate mind. He thinks like Ecc.8:11 says “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set to do evil.” If anyone thought the State of the Union address was arrogant, this has been taken to a whole new level. This is over the top, and I for one will not be surprised if he lives very much longer, and like Herod, worms eat him. No one must have told him what happened to the man in Turkey that stood up in blasphemy against the God of Israel, and immediately fell dead on the spot.
If you are one, who had planned to stay at home on Easter’s triumphant day of Jesus being raised from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father as the Lord of Lord and King of Kings, I would make plans to run to the house of God. If I was lost, I’d pray for the Father, John.6:44 to draw me with conviction, to repent and confess every sin, receiving Jesus as my Lord and get ready for the sound of the trumpet of God, to take his waiting, watching bride out of harm’s way, before God pours out his wrath on this world.
It’s your choice to believe all that the scriptures teach, or not, but as for me, I believe in the blessed hope 1Thess.4:13-18 of Jesus coming in the clouds for his bride, of which we will be caught up to meet him in. Then all those who love this disgusting evil God calls Lev.18;22 and abomination will be destroyed by his wrath. If you are saved, I’d make sure, my garment was without spot, wrinkle or blemish. If you think God is going to put up with this, of which he didn’t in Lots Day, you are being deceived. His fury will soon rise up in his face, and these reprobate minds will come under his judgment any day now. I for one, am going to the house of God, and declaring unashamedly that he is my Lord and that “He is risen as he said. the tomb is empty, and he will bring all enemies under his feet. You can be sure of that. Maranatha!!!!!
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