
Harvest is not always reaped in October!!!!!

Ecc.8:11 says “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” This may sound like I am rejoicing over those destructive fires raging in LA. No, a thousand times no, but I am convinced (by all the examples from Israel’s history, when sin reaches a certain level, as it will, finally in the 7-year tribulation period, when he pours out his vials or bowl judgments) he is giving mankind a little space to repent.

Most may not be aware, Micheal Snyder wrote that “It is estimated that 200 firms, 6000 workers and 1200 actors produce 4000-7000 adult films a year in Los Angeles. Yes, there are more porn-related, adult industries jobs than software jobs in this town. With 4.3 billion in sales and rentals (which is still nothing compared to the 12 billion made from toys and books) the adult entertainment Industry puts 4 billion in revenue back into the local economy. Most people living in the western world consume entertainment that originate from Los Angeles almost every single day.”

Maybe you believe in coincidence, but I don’t believe this was a coincidence. You can look this up, on Sunday night before the fires would break within 48 hours in LA, one of the speakers said “Who got a shoutout the Most? God creator of the Universe got 0 mentions (then laughing) No surprise here in this godless town!”

My heart like God’s heart grieves Gen.6:6 in our day, that not just in the world, but in the church, to think that God is winking at the sins of our day. Please hear what the Lord says Acts 17:30 “And the times of this ignorance God winked at, (overlooked until the full knowledge came in the coming of his beloved Son) but now commandeth all me everywhere to repent.” Gal.6:7-8 tells us plainly “Be not deceived, God is not mocked…”

I believe our longsuffering God, who is seeking a bride to be married to his beloved Son, who will rule and reign with Him, in the eternal kingdom, is now giving the last altar call, (2Pet.1:10 “To make your calling and election sure”) to all who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Covid sifted about a 1/3 of the church, who now feels, they no longer have to come together as a body of believers to be feed the word of God. Or for a loving shepherd, who himself is caring the load of trying to keep the rams from killing one another in butting heads and prays for the Lord to give him the grease needed, in mating season, so they will bounce off, and then stand back and have time to rethink.

As a pastor I pray every day that God would give me wisdom to lead his people to watch over them and dip them every once and a while. So, they are not destroyed by the pest Satan, who seeks to lay those eggs on the nose and if allowed to hatch out can cause them to run into trees etc. and even kill themselves.

I say this with all the love I know how to say it, if someone has hurt you with words, as hurtful as they are, and I would never minimize that. But if anyone has, even the preacher, for your eternal soul’s sake, go to that person, and tell them you are sorry, and ask for their forgiveness, so that God will forgive you.

I can hear some now saying, I’m done that, and nothing changed. I can tell you the reason nothing changed, you thought you were right, and it was the other person. If you don’t want to be one of those ones in Rev.7:14 who had robes, but did not keep them maintained, I plead with you, to humble yourself, get a towel and go and wash the feet of the one who may have hurt you. It won’t matter, a hill of beans after the rapture, when you’ve been left behind. It’s time to get right with God and one another, for Jesus is coming. We will be having revival with brother Jeremy Pooler starting Sunday. If your pride is keeping you from getting right with anyone, I believe that pride will keep you out of the rapture.

I pray today, I have not become your enemy by telling you the truth. Don’t be stubborn, as I had one man to tell me about 8 years ago “I’m done with it.” Oh, how I’m so glad, Jesus didn’t say to the Father I’m done with it and call 12 legion of angels, Thank God he was willing to drink the bitter cup. It’s time to repent of all those works of the flesh and receive the Gift of the Spirit. You may speak in tongues, but if the fruit of the Spirit is not being manifested and growing in your life, there is something wrong. Now is the time to examine yourself 2Cor.13:5 to see if you are truly in the faith, or in some other faith. This preacher loves you, and my prayer, is that you will be ready when Jesus comes. Maranatha!!!!!

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