The Snow Reminder!!!
Isa.1:18 “Come now, (before the door is shut, and Daniels 70th week is fulfilled 9:24-27) and let us reason together (Stop doubting like Thomas and put your hand in his side, and in his hands by faith, and see that he has risen indeed, as he said he would) saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” While we are so unworthy of the blood, the creator calls for the sinner, the lukewarm to come. Come repenting in godly sorrow, and he will take your black dirty heart, and wash it in his red blood, and make it white as snow.
It is interesting that 6 planets lined up the day after Trump became our 47th President, with one more planet joining the 6, on Feb.28-2025. Interestingly six means man and 7 is complete. Taking all these numbers together, we have six, or 6000 thousand years of man’s allotted time and the seventh day, being the Lords Day, being the millennial reign of Christ. This seventh planet, so happens to be in the second month, 2 meaning witness and occurring on the 28 meaning eternal life. Now for all those who think this is just a coincidence, it is also occurring in the year 2025 with 20 meaning redemption, and 25 meaning forgiveness of sins.
I believe this is God sending a message, that the door to the church age (Hos.6:1-2 of two days in God’s week of time) is about to close and is calling on his servants to go quickly into the hedges and highways, and compel the lost to come, for his supper is ready.
He is doing this, because much of the church world, just like Israel has been making excuses saying I cannot come, I must tend to some business. How deceived can one be, to think the Lord has changed his mind toward us if we reject his lordship, in denying ourselves and taking up the cross to follow Him as Lord, that he will not lay us aside as well.
We can’t say we have not been warned Rom.11:21 “For if God spared not the natural branches, (Israel) take heed lest he also spare not thee.”
Oh, how loving and patience the Lord has been, to have all these signs all at one time happening and then to line six planets up with I believe its 39 days apart, which means disease. I’m not sure if this means anything or not, but I am confident the Lord is giving us this sign that man’s six days are coming to their end, and the seventh day the millennial is at hand.
Never has any generation, been privileged to have all these signs converging now, then to have 7 planets lining up (complete). As the Song Tim Lanier, I believe wrote, “I feel some going up power coming down.” I am pleading with anyone who has an ear to hear. Jesus is holding out the golden scepter (Heb.1:8) offering you forgiveness, his righteous, and opportunity to be washed in the blood, and cleansed from your sins, before the door is closed. He has the power to cleanse you and make you white as snow.
What is keeping you from Jesus? Whatever it is, it will keep you from going in the rapture.