The Headlines Read, “Historic Peace Ceremony”!!!

If my precious friend J.D. Collins were stilling living, he would be beside himself. I believe we are witnessing what will lead to the signing with the Palestine’s. Now for those that may not know what this means, it means before this can happen, those of the blood bought...
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A foretaste of the vials in the last half of tribulation

A foretaste of the vials in the last half of tribulation. Headlines read, “California wildfires: Extreme heat turns state into a furnace” “Hot in the Holy City: Jerusalem breaks 120-year record.” If you recall there were 11,000 lightning strikes that...
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They have eyes, but can’t see, and ears but they hear not.

Is God about to smite them with blindness again? Gen.19:11) They have eyes, but can’t see, and ears but they hear not. “About 11,000 (11 means judgement in Bible numerics? lighting bolts strike California, igniting hundreds of fires in a state facing multiple crises....
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Can you see the snare?

Can you see the snare?!!! Jesus said in Luke 21:34-36 “And take heed unto yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day (speaking of the rapture) come upon you unawares. (unexpectedly) For...
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Pray like never before!

Pray, Pray, Pray!!! If we have ever prayed for our nation, and President, this is the time. For all those who think this will end at the election, I believe you are sadly being optimistic. Right now while the news wants us to be focused on Covid-19 and how bad it is, which is...
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Are you being deceived?

On the Fringe of the Delusion. 2 Thess.2:10-12 “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a...
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Freedom doesn’t come without a price

A word of thanks!!! Those of us who understand, that freedom doesn’t come without a price, I want to give thanks for all those who were willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice with their life, so those of us that are living can worship in freedom. Patrick Henry said...
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Something fishy is going on

Something fishy is going on, and it smells like the one world government, hiding in narrative. The facts are not adding up about the coronavirus. After reading an Article from Prophecy update news,worthy of reading “What in the world is going on” there is clear...
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The tongue is a fire

The tongue!!! My friend Bro. JD Collins said in preaching “I think I’ll put a bridle over my mouth.” In these days when the news media is doing every thing possible to destroy this President and all of those who support him, we need to watch our tongue. James...
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Our Lord is Merciful

Oh Lord how merciful you are, as Lam.3:22 says “it is of your mercies that we are not consumed.” Thank you Lord for giving us your word. You know the beginning from the end. I believe God in his love and mercy is sending all those who have not made Jesus the Lord of...
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