It’s closer than you think!!!! Are you aware that Transhumanism is at the door? Just recently “Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a recent discussion with OpenAI President Greg Brockman expressed his belief that 2029 will see the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)–AI (AI, Artificial Intelligence) that reaches and then far surpasses human-level intelligence. He further stated that 2030, humanity and artificial intelligence will merge. A future extinction of mankind, and a future “heaven” in which AGI eliminates poverty, hunger, and sickness and mankind merges with machines. It is this “heaven” their company is working to bring about.” I will admit a new heaven is coming, but it’s not going to be built by man. No, the resurrected Lord Jesus, who defeated death on that third day when he arose, victorious over death, hell and the grace, the angels declared (40 days after he showed himself by many infallible proofs) Jesus whom you see going up into heaven shall so come in like manner.
I make no apology when it comes to the blessed hope of Jesus’ coming in the clouds for his looking, longing, praying, and ready bride, to step out on a billowing cloud, for his saints, not sinners saved by grace. Yes, we were sinners, for all have sinned and come short of his glory. Oh, but we have now (1 Cor.6:11) been washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. To anybody who has and ear to hear, it’s almost over, and the door to the church age is about to be shut (Matt.25:10) and all those foolish virgins, who didn’t think they have to maintain their salvation will be in for a rude awakening. Think what you will, Jesus made it unmistakable clear that he is coming back (Eph.5:27) for a bride to present “to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing…and without blemish.” The stage is set now, for a one world government, a one world economical and a one world religion, to take the mark, selling their soul to a devil’s hell. Yes, Satan has blinded these eyes and they have drunk the Kool-Aid, and really believe they can build a city and tower unto heaven as Gen.11:4 and make them a name.
But their name, only last for a short 31/2 years, but the name that is above all names Jesus, will last forever. What exciting times to be living in, with a red heifer they’re planning on killing in the spring at Passover, and then they can purify the priesthood, who can then bring out the ark of the covenant and start construction on the third temple. Wow, if that ain’t enough to go out and compel the lost, the lukewarm to make your calling and election such, I don’t know what will, except after the rapture, and then it will be too late, for the door will be shut. My prayer is, if you are left behind and find yourself in the tribulation period, you will give your life for Jesus, by having your head cut off, instead, of accepting as one said “the Antichrist DNA (the mark of the beast) rejecting your God given DNA. for his. Don’t neglect Heb.2:3 so great a salvation, thinking you can disobey God’s word and make it into heaven. W.V. Grant said “We are saved by faith in Christ. We stay saved by obedience.” Scripture says He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is a sin. You can do as you please now, but the day will come, the one who wants to be your Savior, will become your judge. Maranatha!!!!!
If you haven’t woke up, you will very soon!!!!! First of all, I am not a know it all. No, I just know the one who knows it all, and has sent the comforter the precious Holy Ghost (John 16:13 whom Jesus promised saying “he will guide you into all truth”). Romans 3:3-4 says “For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? (meaning to nullify the faithfulness of God) God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar…” Jesus warned us, in Matt.24:4-5 to “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; (His anointed) and shall deceive many.” Never has the time been more fertile, for Satan the crafty and cunning devil he is to deceive this Laodicea Church age, into thinking it don’t matter what you believe as long as you live right. But the truth is, what you believe will determine how you live. Every one of us have opinions, but they will not be what we’re judged by on the day of Judgment. We will all be judged by the absolute Word of God. that might not affect you, but it does me.
I believe only those (Rev.3:10) who have “kept the word of my (Christ) patience (this is patient endurance, steadfastness, perseverance, to his word) I also will keep thee, from the hour of temptation, (speaking of the horrible tribulation period) which shall come upon all the world, to try (test) them that dwell upon the earth” will go with Jesus in the Rapture. Those left behind are the lost, the lukewarm, Rev.3:16 who neglected Heb.2:3 so great of salvation, Jam.1:27and did not keep himself unspotted from the world or maintain the robe Isa.61:10 given to them after they repented of their sins and asked Jesus to forgive them taking up the cross and following Jesus as their Lord).
You might say how do you know you are right and the other fellow is wrong. It’s very simple, 1 John 4:1-3 “try the spirits whether they are of God: because (John says) many false prophets are gone out into the world.” There is no way the Holy Ghost the third person of the Godhead, will lead you contrary to the errant, infallible, irrefutable, indisputable word of God. For those who don’t believe in the blessed hope, (the Rapture, Jesus coming in the clouds for his beloved bride, Luke 21:34-36 who are accounted worthy (qualified) to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man”) you have a right to your unbiblical opinion. But for those of us who believe in 1Thess.4:13-18 the eminent return, of the sudden coming of the Lord for his saints, to catch a way out of harm’s way in the clouds, the dead and living saints to meet him in the air, to ever be with the Lord.) you go ahead and believe what you will over the clear word of God.
Your unbelief (Rom.3:3-4 already stated) will not make the promises of God null or void. Revelation is not about a covenant change as a friend of mine wrote, no it is a cosmic collapse. He also went on to say that when you understand that it is a covenant change, you will see what a blessing it is to read. I did not quote this to get in any argument, but only to expose it, hopefully to wake my friend and people up, that judgment is coming and if we Luke 17:1-2 put offenses before even the little ones, and cause them to stumble and be lost, it would have been “better that a millstone were hanged about our neck and cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Those who do not believe that Revelation is the last week of Jacob’s trouble to be fulfilled that Jesus said in Matt.24:21, and Mark 13:19 that it will be worse than it was since the beginning of time “no, nor ever shall be” will soon find out that God was not joking when he said through John the Baptist in Matt.3:7 “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Paul made it clear in 1Thess.5:9 wrath is coming, the good news is “God hath not appointed us (who are ready) to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” Awake up and rightly divide the word of God, and you will see, that Jesus before the tribulation can begin, comes for his saints, and after 7 years of the opening of the seals, trumpets, and vials being poured out, at the end, comes with his saints. Oh, what a day that will be for those Heb.9:28 who are looking for him, and the most sobering day for those who are not looking for him in the clouds and listening to the false prophets (Matt.24:45-51) and miss it, thinking the Lord has delayed his coming. No, my friend He is running on schedule. There’s only one thing keeping Revelations from being fulfilled, and that is the church is still here, but it won’t` be for much longer, look up (Luke 21:28) for your redemption draweth nigh. Maranatha!!!
Something to think about!!! Were the fires in Lahaina, Maui, deliberately set, or the judgment of God or both? What person, who has not been desensitized by television and internet imagery of so much violence and killing for years, is not heartbroken over what you’ve seen? We mourn over such loss of life, homes and businesses that were lost.
So that I am not taken wrong here, let us remember the words of Jesus in Luke13:2-5 “Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were (worse) sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” What I would like to point out, that divine judgment should also be considered, sending a message of things to come. I just read behind Jan Markell that Hawaii was the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2011 before Massachusetts in 2013, which God calls an abomination Lev.18:22-29. She quoted “Go Gay Hawaii” welcomes everyone to gay-friendly Maui on a website built for just such promotion. The Maui gay community is substantial and accepting. There are numerous LGBT and gay-friendly businesses on the island, exclusive Maui gay resorts and plenty to see, do and experience on this magical island. Maui Gay Pride is a staple event taking place each year around the first weekend in October. Interestingly enough, about the only structure in Lahaina not destroyed was a church, though it was not a gospel preaching church.” Whether or not it was man or God, this is a prelude for the judgments to come not only upon the world, but upon the church, that has for the sake of acceptance, tolerance, and inclusiveness, turned the Word of God into a lie. Telling people that God accepts us just the way we are, and you don’t have to turn from such sins. There is some truth within the statement, but together makes it out to be a lie. Jesus made it unmistakably clear, except you repent, turn from sin and to God, you will be cast into hell, with Satan and all those angels that rebelled against God. Don’t be deceived, and think, that God has changed his mind about sin, he has not. Oh, but there is still good news, the head of the Church is knocking at the church door and all the lost, who have been arrested for broking God’s law, and who will (2 Cor.7:10) in godly sorrow, repent, and receive Jesus as the Lord of your life and take up the cross by denying yourself he has promised to save.
Listen, if you have not had your conscience seared, God is saying, come to Jesus, while the door is still open, before you find yourself in the tribulation. My prayer is that you will not be one of those who can’t be saved after the rapture. 1Thess .2:10-12 who adequately heard the truth, but had no love for the truth, because you loved the pleasures of unrighteousness instead, if you are one of those, there will be no hope for you. Yes, I believe the river will run deep in blood Rev.17:6 as Bro. JD Collins said of all those who had rather die for Jesus Rev.20:4 and have their head cut off, rather than accept the Antichrist, but why wait. If you can’t make it now, having temptations to resist, what makes you think you can stand when persecution comes, and you will have to place your head under a chopping block.
I challenge you now, rise and be healed in the name of Jesus. He has the power to set you free from all sin. Jesus loves you; the true church loves you, even those in hell (Luke 16:19-31) don’t want you to go that horrible place.
Get a backbone and tell those who are leading you down the broad road that leads to destruction, that you’re done with low living. Like Joshua of old, that as for you, you’re going to serve the Lord. My prayer is, that this brings you into the loving arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. Maranatha!!!
Thank you for taking the time to visit our church website. If you do not have a home church, I invite you to visit us. Our church believes in the inerrancy of scripture and faith comes by hearing the Word of God. I believe in being saved, sanctified and filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the emphasis of being Rapture Ready.
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Wednesday Night: 7:00 pm
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 10:45 am
Children’s Church: 10:45 am
Sunday Night: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night: 7:00 pm
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